Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How is love presented in neutral tones by Thomas Hardy?

    In this poem in presents love as a curse what follows him around . This poem Is about a man , what remember the negative parts of he’s  past relationships the positive he can’t think of . When the two separate he felt like it was not worth it . At the end of poem…

  • Comparison Essay

      In this essay ill be talking about into the wild and how the novel presents, his family and compare with film by Penn’s. Into the wild is about novel by Krakauer its about a young man, how just graduated  collage and he’s hole life was in head of him Christopher McCandless very smart but…

  • Krakauer Panic

    Meaning A) Jon krakauer climb nearly seven hundred feet of altitude before he steep of glacier B) ” time was plastered over the rock to a thickness of two or three feet, so I kept plugging upwards “this give krakauer he’s confidence to keeping climbing C) The frost feathers where five inches thick and a…

  • Chapter summary 9&10

    Lanyons letter explains that Hyde drank the potion and what transformed into Jekyll in front of him . This was shocking that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person caused Lanyons death. Jekyll confession reveals that he turned into Hyde without meaning to in the park he wrote to Lanyons asking for his help to…

  • chapter scene summary 8

    This chapter start with Mr pole knocking on Mr Utter-son door having a talk there went out to take a walk down the road it was a peaceful day there was walking and I could hear the sounds of someone screaming for DR Jekyll basement it was like someone was being murdered but Mr Utter-son…

  • Reading project book r Sir Alex Ferguson

    I’ll have completed reading this book to success about how Alex Ferguson was success manger this book tells you about 38 years of success. its autobiography explain where he start from to he road it a good book it would wanna make you be successful and want you pass in everything you do keep you…

  • gothic setting

    It was a  cold night in the church .I was praying in the church, the light started flicking and  a ghost started talking. i was hearing sounds i start screaming and shouting as the wind started getting powerful pushing down the bells. All the church windows moving  shaking… it just turns black i could feel the ghost…

  • Reading

    I’m picking. Suscces and improve 

  • Recommendation for Position of Prefect

    I have known Kadece since he started at the school in Year 7. In these three years he has demonstrated himself to be a young man of impressive maturity, trustworthiness and commitment. What sets Kadece out from the crowd is the fact that he manages to secure the respect of both his peers and his…

  • Essay

    I am writing an essay to explain   a scene in Hotel Rwanda.  I  will be waiting to explain how the camera shorts and angle would show the view how Paul (the main character)  I will be covering  movement, setting, effect, sound, time and Paul feeling. The director of hotel Rwanda used lots of film…

Got any book recommendations?